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Stirling LEA Schools found:
Stirlingshire LEA, Viewforth, LEA info Aberfoyle Primary School, Aberfoyle, primary info Allan's Primary School, Stirling, primary info Balfron Primary School, Balfron, primary info Bannockburn Primary School, Bannockburn, primary info Borestone Primary School, St Ninians, primary info Braehead Primary School, Stirling, primary info Bridge Of Allan Primary School, Bridge Of Allan, primary info Buchanan Primary School, Buchanan, primary info Buchlyvie Primary School, Buchlyvie, primary info Callander Primary School, Callandar, primary info Cambusbarron Primary School, Cambusbarron, primary info Cornton Primary School, Cornton, primary info Cowie Primary School, Cowie, primary info Crianlarich Primary School, Crianlarich, primary info Deanston Primary School, Deanston by Doune, primary info Doune Primary School, Doune, primary info Drymen Primary School, Drymen, primary info Dunblane Primary School, Dunblane, primary info East Plean Primary School, Plean, primary info Fallin Primary School, Fallin By Stirling, primary info Fintry Primary School, Fintry, primary info Gargunnock Primary School, Gargunnock, primary info Gartmore Primary School, Gartmore, primary info Killearn Primary School, Killearn, primary info Killin Primary School, Killin, primary info Kincardine-in-Menteith Primary School, Stirling, primary info Kippen Primary School, Kippen, primary info Newton Primary School, Dunblane, primary info Our Lady's RC Primary School, Stirling, primary info Port of Menteith Primary School, Port of Menteith, primary info Raploch Primary School, Stirling, primary info Riverside Primary School, Stirling, primary info St Margaret's RC Primary, Cowie, primary info St Mary's Episcopal Primary School, Dunblane, primary info St Mary's RC Primary School, Bannockburn, primary info St Ninians Primary School, St Ninians, primary info Strathblane Primary School, Blanefield, primary info Strathyre Primary School, Strathyre, primary info Thornhill Primary School, Thornhill, primary info Balfron High School, Balfron, secondary info Bannockburn High School, Broomridge, secondary info Dunblane High School, Dunblane, secondary info McLaren High School, Callander, secondary info Queen Victoria School, Dunblane, secondary info IND St Modan's High School, Stirling, secondary info Stirling High School, Stirling, secondary info Wallace High School, Stirling, secondary info Castleview School, Stirling, special info Ochil House, Stirling, special info Snowdon School, Stirling, special info IND Stirling University, Stirling, university info
Total for Stirling: 52
Primaries: 39 Secondaries: 8 Nurseries: 0 Special: 3 FE Colleges: 0 Universities: 1 PRU or ALT: 0