About Us
Schools Web Directory is owned by Deepspace Web Services
Our UK Schools Database was first published on the web in 1996 under the SchoolNet
UK banner. Later it became part of BT's Campus
World website, and then part of Anglia Multimedia's AngliaCampus.
Recently the database has been re-engineered
as a web enabled database and all data has been re-verified.
State of the Database
The database now contains postal addresses, email addresses (where published) and website urls (where known) for all 30,000+ schools & colleges in England, Scotland and Wales & Northern Ireland.
and Webmasters find the Schools Web Directory useful to check the websites of their local competitor
schools; and to look at the high standard of websites developing
across the country.
Parents use
the Schools Web Directory to check whether their children's school has managed to set up a website yet; and whether the site is up-to-date and contains useful information.
School Kids like to check the Schools Web Directory to see how their school compares to neighbouring
Comments, suggestions?
UK Schools Email Addresses Database
This database and subsets (including email addresses) is now available from our online shop at: www.schoolspostoffice.co.uk
for instant purchase and download:
Schools Web Directory is owned by Deepspace Web Services