Website Last Updated
19th Aug 2024 |
30073 |
Websites added
this month: 41 |
UK Schools & Colleges Database
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Including over 30,000 UK School, College and University Websites
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schools & colleges websites
Includes all new Academies & Schools opened up to 1st Aug 2024
+ all WM & NI region schools re-verified
Our unique new Website Tours allow comparison of school websites across LEA areas.
Now, for the first time, heads, webmasters and LEA chiefs can check on the competition.
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Rutland LEA Schools found:
Rutland LEA, Oakham, LEA info Brooke Hill Academy, Oakham, primary info Brooke Priory School, Oakham, primary info IND Catmose Primary School, Oakham, primary info Cottesmore Academy, Cottesmore, primary info Edith Weston Academy, Edith Weston, primary info Empingham CofE Primary School, Empingham, primary info English Martyrs Catholic Academy, Oakham, primary info Exton and Greetham CofE Primary School, Exton, primary info Great Casterton CofE Primary School, Great Casterton, primary info Ketton CofE Primary School, Ketton, primary info Langham CofE Primary School, Langham, primary info Leighfield Primary School, Uppingham, primary info Oakham CofE Primary School, Oakham, primary info Ryhall CofE Academy, Ryhall, primary info St Mary and St John CofE Primary School, North Luffenham, primary info St Nicholas CofE Primary School, Cottesmore, primary info Uppingham CofE Primary School, Uppingham, primary info Whissendine CofE Primary School, Whissendine, primary info Casterton College Rutland, Great Casterton, secondary info Catmose College, Oakham, secondary info Oakham School, Oakham, secondary info IND Uppingham Community College, Uppingham, secondary info Uppingham School, Uppingham, secondary info IND Harington School, Oakham, sixth form college info The Grange Therapeutic School, Knossington, special info IND The Parks School, Oakham, special info The Shires, Stretton, special info IND The Shires at Oakham, Oakham, special info IND Wilds Lodge School, Oakham, special info IND
Total for Rutland: 30
Primaries: 18 Secondaries: 5 Nurseries: 0 Special: 5 FE Colleges: 0 Universities: 0 PRU or ALT: 0