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Renfrewshire LEA Schools found:
Good Shepherd Centre, Bishopton, ... info IND Renfrewshire LEA, Paisley, LEA info Abbey Nursery, Paisley, nursery info IND Douglas Street Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Foxlea Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Glenburn Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Glendee Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Renfrew, nursery info Glenfield Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Hugh Smiley Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Moorpark Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Renfrew, nursery info Paisley Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Spateston Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Johnstone, nursery info West Johnstone Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Johnstone, nursery info Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Centre, Paisley, nursery info Arkleston Primary School, Renfrew, primary info Auchenlodment Primary School, Johnstone, primary info Bargarran Primary School, Erskine, primary info Barsail Primary School, Erskine, primary info Bishopton Primary School, Bishopton, primary info Brediland Primary School, Paisley, primary info Bridge Of Weir Primary School, Bridge Of Weir, primary info Bushes Primary School, Paisley, primary info Cochrane Castle Primary School, Johnstone, primary info Dargavel Primary School, Dargavel Village, primary info East Fulton Primary School, Linwood, primary info Fordbank Primary School, Johnstone, primary info Gallowhill Primary School, Paisley, primary info Glencoats Primary School, Paisley, primary info Heriot Primary School, Foxbar, primary info Houston Primary School, Houston, primary info Howwood Primary School, Howwood, primary info Inchinnan Primary School, Inchinnan, primary info Kilbarchan Primary School, Kilbarchan, primary info Kirklandneuk Primary School, Renfrew, primary info Langbank Primary School, Langbank, primary info Langcraigs Primary School, Paisley, primary info Lochfield Primary School, Paisley, primary info Lochwinnoch Primary School, Lochwinnoch, primary info Mossvale Primary School, Paisley, primary info Newmains Primary School, Renfrew, primary info Our Lady Of Peace Primary School, Linwood, primary info Ralston Primary School, Paisley, primary info Rashielea Primary School, Erskine, primary info St Anne's Primary School, Erskine, primary info St Anthony's Primary School, Johnstone, primary info St Catherine's Primary School, Paisley, primary info St Charles Primary School, Paisley, primary info St David's Primary School, Johnstone, primary info St Fergus's Primary School, Paisley, primary info St Fillan's Primary School, Houston, primary info St James Primary School, Renfrew, primary info St James Primary School, Paisley, primary info St John Bosco Primary School, Erskine, primary info St John Ogilvie Primary, Paisley, primary info St Margaret's Primary School, Johnstone, primary info St Mary's Primary School, Paisley, primary info St Paul's Primary School, Paisley, primary info St Peter's Primary School, Paisley, primary info Thorn Primary School, Johnstone, primary info Todholm Primary School, Paisley, primary info Wallace Primary School, Elderslie, primary info West Primary School, Paisley, primary info Williamsburgh Primary School, Paisley, primary info Woodlands Primary School, Linwood, primary info Castlehead High School, Paisley, secondary info Gleniffer High School, Paisley, secondary info Gryffe High School, Houston, secondary info Johnstone High School, Johnstone, secondary info Linwood High School, Linwood, secondary info Paisley Grammar School, Paisley, secondary info Park Mains High School, Erskine, secondary info Renfrew High School, Renfrew, secondary info St Andrew's Academy, Paisley, secondary info St Benedict's High School, Linwood, secondary info Trinity High School, Renfrew, secondary info Clippens School, Linwood, special info Mary Russell School, Paisley, special info Northview House School, Kilbarchan, special info IND Riverbrae School, Linwood, special info Reid Kerr College, Paisley, fe college info
Total for Renfrewshire: 81
Primaries: 50 Secondaries: 11 Nurseries: 13 Special: 4 FE Colleges: 1 Universities: 0 PRU or ALT: 0