Website Last Updated
19th Aug 2024 |
30073 |
Websites added
this month: 41 |
UK Schools & Colleges Database
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Midlothian LEA Schools found:
Lasswade Primary School, Bonnyrigg, ... info Midlothian LEA, Dalkeith, LEA info Mayfield Nursery School, Mayfield, nursery info Mount Esk Nursery School, Bonnyrigg, nursery info Bilston Primary School, Bilston, primary info Bonnyrigg Primary School, Bonnyrigg, primary info Burnbrae Primary School, Bonnyrigg, primary info Cornbank St James Primary School, Penicuik, primary info Cuiken Primary School, Penicuik, primary info Danderhall Primary School, Danderhall, primary info Gore Glen Primary School, Gorebridge, primary info Gorebridge Primary School, Gorebridge, primary info Hawthornden Primary School, Bonnyrigg, primary info King's Park Primary School, Dalkeith, primary info Lasswade Primary School, Bonnyrigg, primary info Lawfield Primary School, Dalkeith, primary info Loanhead Primary School, Loanhead, primary info Mauricewood Primary School, Penicuik, primary info Mayfield Primary School, Mayfield, primary info Moorfoot Primary School, North Middleton, primary info Newtongrange Primary School, Dalkeith, primary info Paradykes Primary School, Loanhead, primary info Rosewell Primary School, Rosewell, primary info Roslin Primary School, Roslin, primary info Sacred Heart Primary School, Penicuik, primary info St Andrew's RC Primary School, Gowkshill, primary info St David's RC Primary School, Dalkeith, primary info St Luke's Primary School, Mayfield, primary info St Mary's Primary School, Bonnyrigg, primary info St Matthew's Primary School, Rosewell, primary info Stobhill Primary School, Gorebridge, primary info Strathesk Primary School, Penicuik, primary info Tynewater Primary School, Pathhead, primary info Woodburn Primary School, Dalkeith, primary info Beeslack High School, Penicuik, secondary info Dalkeith High School, Dalkeith, secondary info Lasswade High School, Bonnyrigg, secondary info Newbattle High School, Easthouses, secondary info Penicuik High School, Penicuik, secondary info St David's RC High School, Dalkeith, secondary info Saltersgate School, Dalkeith, special info Jewel & Esk Valley college, Dalkeith, fe college info Newbattle Abbey College, Dalkeith, fe college info
Total for Midlothian: 43
Primaries: 30 Secondaries: 6 Nurseries: 2 Special: 1 FE Colleges: 2 Universities: 0 PRU or ALT: 0