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Middlesbrough LEA Schools found:
Reintegreat Education Solutions, Middlesbrough, alt info IND River Tees High Academy, Middlesborough, alt info Middlesbrough LEA, Middlesbrough, LEA info Abingdon Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Acklam Whin Primary School, Acklam, primary info Archibald Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Ayresome Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Beech Grove Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Berwick Hills Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Brambles Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Breckon Hill Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Caldicotes Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Captain Cook Primary School, Marton, primary info Chandlers Ridge Academy, Nunthorpe, primary info Corpus Christi RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Easterside Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Green Lane Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Hemlington Hall Academy, Hemlington, primary info Kader Academy, Acklam, primary info Lingfield Primary School, Marton, primary info Linthorpe Community Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Marton Manor Primary School, Marton, primary info Newham Bridge Primary School, Acklam, primary info Newport Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info North Ormesby Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Pallister Park Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Park End Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Pennyman Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Rose Wood Academy, Coulby Newham, primary info Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info St Alphonsus Catholic Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info St Augustine's Catholic Primary School, Coulby Newham, primary info St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School, Nunthorpe, primary info St Clare's RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Linthorpe, primary info St Gerard's RC Primary School, Hemlington, primary info St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info St Pius X Catholic Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info St Thomas More RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info Sunnyside Academy, Coulby Newham, primary info The Avenue Primary School, Nunthorpe, primary info Thorntree Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Viewley Hill Academy, Middlesbrough, primary info Whinney Banks Primary School, Middlesbrough, primary info River Tees Middle Academy, Middlesbrough, pru info Acklam Grange School, Middlesbrough, secondary info Macmillan Academy, Middlesbrough, secondary info Outwood Academy Acklam, Middlesbrough, secondary info Outwood Academy Ormesby, Middlesbrough, secondary info Outwood Academy Riverside, Middlesbrough, secondary info The King's Academy, Middlesbrough, secondary info Trinity Catholic College, Middlesbrough, secondary info Unity City Academy, Middlesbrough, secondary info River Tees Primary Academy, Middlesbrough, ... info Beverley School, Middlesbrough, special info Discovery Special Academy, Middlesbrough, special info Hollis Academy, Middlesbrough, special info Holmwood School, Middlesbrough, special info Hopefields School, Middlesbrough, special info IND Priory Woods School, Netherfields, special info Tees Valley College, Middlesbrough, special info IND Cleveland College of Art and Design, Linthorpe, fe college info Middlesbrough College, Middlesbrough, fe college info Rainbow Training Centre, Middlesbrough, fe college info IND University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, university info
Total for Middlesbrough: 65
Primaries: 41 Secondaries: 8 Nurseries: 0 Special: 7 FE Colleges: 3 Universities: 1 PRU or ALT: 3