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South Eastern ELB LEA Schools found:
South Eastern Education and Library Board, Dundonald, LEA info Barbour Nursery School, Lisburn, nursery info St Kieran's Nursery School, Dunmurry, nursery info St Luke's Nursery School, Dunmurry, nursery info St Therese Nursery School, Poleglass, nursery info Tandragee Nursery School, Tandragee, nursery info Downpatrick Sure Start, Downpatrick, ... info Lower Ards Sure Start, Portavogie, ... info Abbey Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Academy Primary School, Saintfield, primary info Alexander Dickson Primary School, Ballygowan, primary info All Children's Integrated Primary School, Newcastle, primary info Anahilt Primary School, Hillsborough, primary info Andrews Memorial Primary School, Comber, primary info Annsborough Integrated Primary School, Annsborough, primary info Ballinderry Primary School, Ballinderry Lower, primary info Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School, Ballinderry Upper, primary info Ballymacash Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Ballymacrickett Primary School, Glenavy, primary info Ballymacward Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Ballynahinch Primary School, Ballynahinch, primary info Ballyvester Primary School, Donaghadee, primary info Ballywalter Primary School, Ballywater, primary info Bangor Central Integrated Primary School, Bangor, primary info Belvoir Park Primary School, Belfast, primary info Bloomfield Road Primary School, Bangor, primary info Braniel Primary School, Belfast, primary info Brooklands Primary School, Dundonald, primary info Brownlee Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Primary School, Castlewellan, primary info Cairnshill Primary School, Belfast, primary info Carr Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Carrick Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, primary info Carrick Primary School Warrenpoint, Burren, primary info Carrickmannon Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Carrowdore Primary School, Carrowdore, primary info Carryduff Primary School, Carryduff, primary info Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Castlewellan Primary School, Castlewellen, primary info Cedar Integrated Primary School, Crossgar, primary info Christ the King Primary School Drumaness, Ballynahinch, primary info Christ The Redeemer Primary School, Dunmurry, primary info Clandeboye Primary School, Bangor, primary info Comber Primary School, Comber, primary info Crawfordsburn Primary School, Crawfordsburn, primary info Cregagh Primary School, Belfast, primary info Cumran Primary School, Clough, primary info Derryboy Primary School, Crossgar, primary info Donaghadee Primary School, Donaghadee, primary info Downpatrick Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info Downshire Primary School, Hillsborough, primary info Dromara Primary School, Dromara, primary info Drumlins Integrated Primary School, Ballynahinch, primary info Dundonald Primary School, Belfast, primary info Dunmurry Primary School, Dunmurry, primary info Fort Hill Integrated Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Gilnahirk Primary School, Belfast, primary info Glasswater Primary School, Crossgar, primary info Glencraig Integrated Primary School, Holywood, primary info Grange Park Primary School, Bangor, primary info Grey Abbey Primary School, Greyabbey, primary info Harmony Hill Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Holy Evangelists Primary School, Belfast, primary info Holy Family Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info Holywood Primary School, Holywood, primary info Kilcooley Primary School, Bangor, primary info Killinchy Primary School, Killinchy, primary info Killowen Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Killyleagh Integrated Primary School, Killyleagh, primary info Kilmaine Primary School, Bangor, primary info Kircubbin Integrated Primary School, Kircubbin, primary info Kirkistown Primary School, Cloughey, primary info Knockbreda Primary School, Belfast, primary info Knockmore Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Largymore Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Lead Hill Primary School, Belfast, primary info Lisburn Central Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Lisnasharragh Primary School, Belfast, primary info Londonderry Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Lough View Integrated Primary School, Castlereagh, primary info Loughries Integrated Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Maghaberry Primary School, Moira, primary info McKinney Primary School, Dundrod, primary info Meadow Bridge Primary School, Hillsborough, primary info Millennium Integrated Primary School, Lisdoonan, primary info Millisle Primary School, Millisle, primary info Moira Primary School, Moira, primary info Moneyrea Primary School, Moneyrea, primary info Newcastle Primary School, Newcastle, primary info Newtownards Model Primary school, Newtownards, primary info Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Derriaghy, primary info Old Warren Primary School, Old Warren, primary info Our Lady and St Patrick Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School, Belfast, primary info Pond Park Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Portaferry Integrated Primary School, Portaferry, primary info Portavogie Primary School, Portavogie, primary info Rathmore Primary School, Bangor, primary info Riverdale Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Rowandale Integrated Primary School, Moira, primary info Sacred Heart Primary School, Dundrum, primary info Scoil Na Fuiseoige, Dunmurry, primary info Seymour Hill Primary School, Dunmurry, primary info Spa Primary School, Ballynahinch, primary info St Aloysius Primary School, Lisburn, primary info St Anne's Primary School, Donaghadee, primary info St Bernard's Primary School, Belfast, primary info St Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info St Caolan's Primary School, Ballynahinch, primary info St Colman's Primary School, Lambeg, primary info St Colmcille's Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info St Comgall's Primary School, Bangor, primary info St Finian's Primary School, Newtownards, primary info St Francis' Primary School Drumaroad, Drumaroad, primary info St Ita's Primary School, Belfast, primary info St Joseph's Primary School, Carryduff, primary info St Joseph's Primary School, Killough, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Ballycruttle, Downpatrick, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Carnacaville, Newcastle, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Crossgar, Crossgar, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Lisburn, Lisburn, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Strangford, Strangford, primary info St Joseph's Primary School Tyrella, Downpatrick, primary info St Kieran's Primary School, Poleglass, primary info St Macartan's Primary School, Loughinisland, primary info St Malachy's Primary School, Bangor, primary info St Malachy's Primary School, Downpatrick, primary info St Malachy's Primary School, Kilcoo, primary info St Malachy's Primary School Castlewellan, Castlewellan, primary info St Mary's Primary School, Kircubbin, primary info St Mary's Primary School (Killyleagh), Killyleagh, primary info St Mary's Primary School (Newcastle), Newcastle, primary info St Mary's Primary School (Portaferry), Portaferry, primary info St Mary's Primary School (Saintfield), Saintfield, primary info St Mary's Primary School Aughlisnafin, Castlewellan, primary info St Mary's Primary School Comber, Comber, primary info St Mary's Primary School Dunsford, Ardglass, primary info St Nicholas Primary School, Ardglass, primary info St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Ballygalget), Portaferry, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Ballynahinch), Ballynahinch, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Castlewellan), Castlewellan, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Downpatrick), Downpatrick, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Holywood), Holywood, primary info St Patrick's Primary School (Legamaddy), Downpatrick, primary info The Good Shepherd Primary School, Dunmurry, primary info Tonagh Primary School, Lisburn, primary info Towerview Primary School, Bangor, primary info Tullycarnet Primary School, Belfast, primary info Victoria Primary School (Ballyhalbert), Ballyhalbert, primary info Victoria Primary School (Newtownards), Newtownards, primary info West Winds Primary School, Newtownards, primary info Assumption Grammar School, Ballynahinch, secondary info Bangor Academy & Sixth Form College, Bangor, secondary info Bangor Grammar School, Bangor, secondary info Blackwater Integrated College, Downpatrick, secondary info Breda Academy, Belfast, secondary info De La Salle High School, Downpatrick, secondary info Down High School, Downpatrick, secondary info Dundonald High School, Dundonald, secondary info Fort Hill Integrated College, Lisburn, secondary info Friends School, Lisburn, secondary info Glastry College, Newtownards, secondary info Glenlola Collegiate, Bangor, secondary info Lagan College, Belfast, secondary info Laurelhill Community College, Lisburn, secondary info Lisnagarvey High School, Lisburn, secondary info Movilla High School, Newtownards, secondary info Nendrum College Comber, Comber, secondary info Our Lady and St Patrick's College Knock, Belfast, secondary info Priory Integrated College, Holywood, secondary info Regent House School, Newtownards, secondary info Saintfield High School, Saintfield, secondary info Shimna Integrated College, Newcastle, secondary info St Colm's High School, Belfast, secondary info St Colman's High and Sixth Form College, Ballynahinch, secondary info St Colmcille's High School, Crossgar, secondary info St Columba's College, Portaferry, secondary info St Columbanus' College, Bangor, secondary info St Malachy's High School, Castlewellan, secondary info St Mary's High School, Downpatrick, secondary info St Patrick's Academy, Lisburn, secondary info St Patrick's Grammar School, Downpatrick, secondary info Strangford Integrated College, Carrowdore, secondary info Sullivan Upper School, Holywood, secondary info The High School Ballynahinch, Ballynahinch, secondary info Wallace High School, Lisburn, secondary info Ardmore House Special School, Downpatrick, special info Beechlawn Special School, Hillsborough, special info Brookfield Special School, Moira, special info Clifton Special School, Bangor, special info Killard House Special School, Donaghadee, special info Knockevin Special School, Downpatrick, special info Lakewood Special School, Bangor, special info Longstone Special School, Dundonald, special info Parkview Special School, Lisburn, special info Tor Bank School, Dundonald, special info South Eastern Regional College - Adult Education Centre, Downpatrick, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - BallyBoley Campus, Carrowdore, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Ballynahinch Campus, Ballynahinch, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Bangor Campus, Bangor, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Downpatrick Campus, Downpatrick, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Holywood Campus, Holywood, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Kircubbin Campus, Kircubbin, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Knockmore Campus, Lisburn, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Lisburn Campus, Lisburn, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Newcastle Campus, Newcastle, fe college info South Eastern Regional College - Newtownards Campus, Newtownards, fe college info
Total for South Eastern ELB: 208
Primaries: 144 Secondaries: 35 Nurseries: 5 Special: 10 FE Colleges: 11 Universities: 0 PRU or ALT: 0