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Bath and NE Somerset LEA Schools found:
Bath and North East Somerset LEA, High Street, LEA info Abbot Alphege Academy, Bath, primary info Bathampton Primary School, Bath, primary info Batheaston Church School, Bath, primary info Bathford Church School, Bath, primary info Bathwick St Mary Church School, Bath, primary info Bishop Sutton Primary School, Bishop Sutton, primary info Cameley CofE Primary School, Temple Cloud, primary info Castle Primary School, Bristol, primary info Chandag Primary School, Keynsham, primary info Chew Magna Primary School, Chew Magna, primary info Chew Stoke Church School, Chew Stoke, primary info Clutton Primary School, Clutton, primary info Combe Down CofE Primary School, Bath, primary info East Harptree CofE Primary School, East Harptree, primary info Farmborough Church Primary School, Farmborough, primary info Farrington Gurney CofE Primary School, Farrington Gurney, primary info Freshford Church School, Freshford, primary info High Littleton CofE Primary School, High Littleton, primary info Longvernal Primary School, Midsomer Norton, primary info Marksbury CofE Primary School, Marksbury, primary info Midsomer Norton Primary School, Midsomer Norton, primary info Moorlands Infant School, Bath, primary info Moorlands Junior School, Bath, primary info Mulberry Park Educate Together Primary Academy, Bath, primary info Newbridge Primary School, Bath, primary info Norton Hill Primary School, Midsomer Norton, primary info Oldfield Park Infant School, Bath, primary info Oldfield Park Junior School, Bath, primary info Paulton Infant School, Paulton, primary info Paulton Junior School, Paulton, primary info Peasedown St John Primary School, Bath, primary info Pensford Primary School, Pensford, primary info Roundhill Primary School, Bath, primary info Saltford CofE Primary School, Saltford, primary info Shoscombe Church School, Bath, primary info Somerdale Educate Together Primary Academy, Keynsham, primary info St Andrew's Church School, Bath, primary info St John's Catholic Primary School, Bath, primary info St John's CofE Primary School, Midsomer Norton, primary info St John's CofE Primary School, Keynsham, primary info St Julian's Church School, Wellow, primary info St Keyna Primary, Keynsham, primary info St Martin's Garden Primary School, Bath, primary info St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Bath, primary info St Mary's CofE Primary School, Writhlington, primary info St Mary's CofE Primary School, Bath, primary info St Michaels Junior Church School, Bath, primary info St Nicholas Church School, Radstock, primary info St Philip's CofE Primary, Bath, primary info St Saviours Infant Church School, Bath, primary info St Saviours Junior Church School, Bath, primary info St Stephen's Church School, Bath, primary info Stanton Drew Primary School, Stanton Drew, primary info Swainswick CofE Primary School, Bath, primary info The Paragon School, Bath, primary info IND Trinity Church School, Radstock, primary info Twerton Infant School, Twerton, primary info Two Rivers CofE Primary School, Keynsham, primary info Ubley CofE Primary School, Ubley, primary info Welton Primary School, Midsomer Norton, primary info Westfield Primary School, Radstock, primary info Weston All Saints CofE Primary School, Bath, primary info Whitchurch Primary School, Whitchurch, primary info Widcombe CofE Junior School, Bath, primary info Widcombe Infant School, Bath, primary info Beechen Cliff School, Bath, secondary info Broadlands Academy, Keynsham, secondary info Chew Valley School, Chew Magna, secondary info Hayesfield Girls School, Bath, secondary info IKB Academy, Keynsham, secondary info King Edwards School, Bath, secondary info IND Kingswood School, Bath, secondary info IND Mendip Studio School, Writhlington, secondary info Monkton Senior School, Bath, secondary info IND Norton Hill Academy, Midsomer Norton, secondary info Oldfield School, Bath, secondary info Prior Park College, Bath, secondary info IND Ralph Allen School, Bath, secondary info Royal High School Bath, Bath, secondary info IND Saint Gregory's Catholic College, Bath, secondary info Somervale Secondary School, Midsomer Norton, secondary info St Mark's CofE School, Bath, secondary info Wellsway School, Keynsham, secondary info Writhlington School, Writhlington, secondary info Aspire Academy, Bath, special info Fosse Way School, Radstock, special info Three Ways School, Bath, special info City of Bath College, , fe college info Norton Radstock College, , fe college info Bath Spa University, Newton St Loe, university info University of Bath, Bath, university info
Total for Bath and NE Somerset: 92
Primaries: 65 Secondaries: 19 Nurseries: 0 Special: 3 FE Colleges: 2 Universities: 2 PRU or ALT: 0